P/s : Thanks for using ShoutMix for all these year. I have been providing free shoutboxes on the World Wide Web for over 7 years now. It wasn't long before I realized being 100% free is not sustainable. Just before ShoutMix's first birthday, it almost had to be closed.
Salam and Good Morning
Makluman sekalian kaki blogger! TENGOK SINI ------------->>
Shoutmix will be close
Sedih tak kamu-kamu?
Nah ambil tisu aku dulu bayar nanti (hehe)
Lap air mata, air kaki, air tangan anda semua
Aku dan kamu bertenang dulu ya
Mana aku tahu???
Bermula al-kisah semasa blogwalking tadi
Baru perasan pada shoutmix kita
Ada importance notice
Dengar ye kamu-kamu
Mana dia awak?
Kita tak nampak pun1
Ish, kamu-kamu ni
Aku tunjuk ya
See the picture okay!
---> Existing users will be able to continue using their accounts at no cost right now. The transition will begin within a few weeks. Eventually, users with free accounts will need to switch to a paying plan or stop using the service. The date is set at January 1, 2012. After this date, free accounts will stop working unless upgraded to a paid plan.
Kamu-kamu tengok tarikh tu betul-betul
Selepas itu tiada lagi akaun shoutmix yang freeSila bayar okay!
Erm...berapakah kene bayar?
Mahal tak?
Leceh tapi ini bukan tipu-tipu
Kenyataan tidak boleh pertikai
Sila setuju kamu-kamu.
Leceh tapi ini bukan tipu-tipu
Kenyataan tidak boleh pertikai
Sila setuju kamu-kamu.
---> The good news is that ShoutMix will be available for only $0.99/month and will be available effective immediately. For our old version (the Classic) it will only be available in Premium package which costs approximately $1.67/month.
Komen aku: PERCUMA @ BAYAR perjuangan berbloging mesti diteruskan. SMILE ALWAYS. Its up to us and kreativiti masing-masingkan.
gne CBOX ja...
BalasPadammeh lawat tumblr kite